/* global THREE */
const base = require("../../base");
const ripe = base.ripe;
* The list of supported texture types.
const SUPPORTED_TEXTURE_TYPES = ["base", "displacement", "metallic", "normal", "roughness"];
* This class encapsulates all logic related to the CSR initials. It provides tools to
* process and get CSR initials related resources such as textures, materials and 3D
* objects that can be used to show initials in CSR.
* @param {Canvas} canvas Canvas uses to process the initials texture.
* @param {Canvas} canvasDisplacement Canvas uses to process the initials displacement
* texture.
* @param {Number} width Width of the canvas. It dictates the resolution on the x axis.
* @param {Number} height Height of the canvas. It dictates the resolution on the x axis.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials = function(
canvas = null,
canvasDisplacement = null,
width = null,
height = null,
pixelRatio = null,
options = {}
) {
if (canvas === null) throw new Error("Canvas is required");
if (canvasDisplacement === null) throw new Error("CanvasDisplacement is required");
if (width === null) throw new Error("Width is required");
if (height === null) throw new Error("Height is required");
if (pixelRatio === null) throw new Error("PixelRatio is required");
this.canvas = canvas;
this.canvasDisplacement = canvasDisplacement;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.pixelRatio = pixelRatio;
this.textureRenderer = null;
this.material = null;
this.points = [];
this.geometry = null;
this.mesh = null;
this.currentText = "";
this.materialTexturesRefs = {
map: null,
displacementMap: null,
normalMap: null
this.rawTexturesRefs = {
base: null,
displacement: null,
metallic: null,
normal: null,
roughness: null
this.cookedTexturesRefs = {
base: null,
displacement: null,
metallic: null,
normal: null,
roughness: null
wrapS: THREE.RepeatWrapping,
wrapT: THREE.RepeatWrapping,
offset: new THREE.Vector2(0, 0),
repeat: new THREE.Vector2(1, 1),
rotation: 0,
center: new THREE.Vector2(0, 0),
encoding: THREE.sRGBEncoding
// unpacks the CSR Initials Renderer options
const curveOpts = options.curveOptions || {};
this.curveOptions = {
type: curveOpts.type !== undefined ? curveOpts.type : "centripetal",
tension: curveOpts.tension !== undefined ? curveOpts.tension : 0.5
const textOpts = options.textOptions || {};
this.textOptions = {
font: textOpts.font !== undefined ? textOpts.font : "Arial",
fontSize: textOpts.fontSize !== undefined ? textOpts.fontSize : 280,
xOffset: textOpts.xOffset !== undefined ? textOpts.xOffset : 0,
yOffset: textOpts.yOffset !== undefined ? textOpts.yOffset : 0,
lineWidth: textOpts.lineWidth !== undefined ? textOpts.lineWidth : 5,
textOpts.displacementMapTextBlur !== undefined ? textOpts.displacementMapTextBlur : 1.5,
textOpts.normalMapBlurIntensity !== undefined ? textOpts.normalMapBlurIntensity : 1
const materialOpts = options.materialOptions || {};
this.materialOptions = {
materialOpts.color !== undefined
? new THREE.Color(materialOpts.color)
: new THREE.Color("#ffffff"),
materialOpts.displacementScale !== undefined ? materialOpts.displacementScale : 25,
materialOpts.displacementBias !== undefined ? materialOpts.displacementBias : 0,
materialOpts.emissive !== undefined
? new THREE.Color(materialOpts.emissive)
: new THREE.Color("#000000"),
materialOpts.emissiveIntensity !== undefined ? materialOpts.emissiveIntensity : 1,
flatShading: materialOpts.flatShading !== undefined ? materialOpts.flatShading : false,
metalness: materialOpts.metalness !== undefined ? materialOpts.metalness : 0,
roughness: materialOpts.roughness !== undefined ? materialOpts.roughness : 1,
wireframe: materialOpts.wireframe !== undefined ? materialOpts.wireframe : false
const meshOpts = options.meshOptions || {};
this.meshOptions = {
widthSegments: meshOpts.widthSegments !== undefined ? meshOpts.widthSegments : 1000,
heightSegments: meshOpts.heightSegments !== undefined ? meshOpts.heightSegments : 100
const key = this._textureOptionsKey(type);
const textureTypeOptions = options[key] || {};
this[key] = { ...DEFAULT_TEXTURE_SETTINGS, ...textureTypeOptions };
// sets the CSR Initials Renderer size
this.setSize(width, height);
// inits the CSR Initials Renderer material
this.material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
transparent: true,
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype.constructor = ripe.CsrRenderedInitials;
* Sets the initials text.
* @param {String} text Initials text.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype.setInitials = function(text) {
this.currentText = text;
// cleans up textures that are going to be replaced
// generates the necessary text textures
const textTexture = this._textToTexture(text);
const displacementTexture = this._textToDisplacementTexture(text);
// generates a normal map for the text displacement map texture
this.materialTexturesRefs.normalMap = ripe.CsrUtils.normalMapFromCanvas(
// blurs normal map texture to avoid normal map color banding
const blurIntensity = this.textOptions.normalMapBlurIntensity;
if (blurIntensity > 0) {
const tempRef = this._blurTexture(this.materialTexturesRefs.normalMap, blurIntensity);
this.materialTexturesRefs.normalMap = tempRef;
// applies the patterns to the text textures
this.materialTexturesRefs.map = this._mixPatternWithTexture(
this.materialTexturesRefs.displacementMap = this._mixPatternWithDisplacementTexture(
// cleans up temporary textures
// updates the initials material
this.material.map = this.materialTexturesRefs.map;
this.material.displacementMap = this.materialTexturesRefs.displacementMap;
this.material.normalMap = this.materialTexturesRefs.normalMap;
// marks material to do a internal update
this.material.needsUpdate = true;
* Sets the reference points that are used when generating the curve that bends the initials mesh.
* @param {Array} points Array with THREE.Vector3 reference points for the curve used to bend
* the mesh.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype.setPoints = function(points) {
this.points = points;
// updates the existing mesh geometry if the mesh already exists
if (this.mesh) this._morphPlaneGeometry(this.geometry, this.points);
* Gets the initials material. This material can be applied to a mesh in order to obtain
* the 3D text effect.
* @returns {THREE.Material} Material that makes the 3D text effect.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype.getMaterial = function() {
if (!this.material) throw new Error("The material doesn't exist");
return this.material;
* Gets the initials 3D object.
* @returns {THREE.Object3D} Mesh that will have the initials text.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype.getMesh = function() {
// ensures mesh exists
if (!this.mesh) this._buildInitialsMesh();
return this.mesh;
* Sets the texture specified by it's type. The supported types are the following:
* - base: This texture is the diffuse pattern that is applied to the initials characters.
* - displacement: This texture is the height map pattern that is applied to the initials
* characters.
* - metallic: This texture is the metallic texture that is applied to the initials characters.
* - normal: This texture is the normal map pattern that is applied to the initials characters.
* - roughness: This texture is the roughness texture that is applied to the initials characters.
* @param {String} type The texture type name.
* @param {THREE.Texture} texture The texture to set for the specified type.
* @param {Object} options Options to apply to the texture.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype.setTexture = function(type, texture, options = {}) {
this[this._textureOptionsKey(type)] = { ...this[this._textureOptionsKey(type)], ...options };
// cleanups resources
if (this.rawTexturesRefs[type]) this.rawTexturesRefs[type].dispose();
if (this.cookedTexturesRefs[type]) this.cookedTexturesRefs[type].dispose();
// saves raw texture clone so it can be reused
this.rawTexturesRefs[type] = texture.clone();
this.rawTexturesRefs[type].needsUpdate = true;
// applies texture options by precooking the texture
this.cookedTexturesRefs[type] = this._preCookTexture(
* Sets the texture attributes.
* @param {Object} options Options to apply to the texture.
* @param {String} type The texture type name.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype.setTextureOptions = function(type, options = {}) {
if (!this.rawTexturesRefs[type]) {
throw new Error(`Can't apply ${type} texture options, the texture is not set`);
// update texture options
this[this._textureOptionsKey(type)] = { ...this[this._textureOptionsKey(type)], ...options };
// cleanups resources then applies the texture options by precooking the texture
if (this.cookedTexturesRefs[type]) this.cookedTexturesRefs[type].dispose();
this.cookedTexturesRefs[type] = this._preCookTexture(
* Sets the initials renderer width and height. It also updates the texture renderer used
* by this instance.
* @param {Number} width Number for the width in pixels.
* @param {Number} height Number for the height in pixels.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype.setSize = function(width = null, height = null) {
if (width === null) throw new Error("Width is required");
if (height === null) throw new Error("Height is required");
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.canvas.width = this.width;
this.canvas.height = this.height;
this.canvasDisplacement.width = this.width;
this.canvasDisplacement.height = this.height;
// rebuilds texture renderer with the new size
if (this.textureRenderer) this.textureRenderer.destroy();
this.textureRenderer = new ripe.CsrTextureRenderer(width, height, this.pixelRatio);
* Updates initials renderer state by updating it's options.
* @param {Object} options Set of optional parameters to adjust the initials renderer.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype.updateOptions = function(options = {}) {
let updateInitials = false;
let updateMaterial = false;
let updateMesh = false;
const updateTextures = [];
if (options.textOptions) {
this.textOptions = { ...this.textOptions, ...options.textOptions };
updateInitials = true;
if (options.materialOptions) {
this.materialOptions = { ...this.materialOptions, ...options.materialOptions };
updateMaterial = true;
updateInitials = true;
if (options.meshOptions) {
this.meshOptions = { ...this.meshOptions, ...options.meshOptions };
updateMesh = true;
const key = this._textureOptionsKey(type);
if (options[key]) {
this[key] = { ...this[key], ...options[key] };
updateInitials = true;
// performs update operations. The order is important
updateTextures.forEach(type => {
this.setTextureOptions(type, this[this._textureOptionsKey(type)]);
if (updateMaterial) {
this.material.needsUpdate = true;
if (updateInitials) this.rerenderInitials();
if (updateMesh) this._buildInitialsMesh();
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype.rerenderInitials = function() {
* Cleanups the `CsrRenderedInitials` instance thus avoiding memory leak issues.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype.destroy = function() {
// cleans up the texture renderer
// cleans up textures
// cleans up the material
if (this.material) this.material.dispose();
// cleans up the initials mesh
* Verifies if the type of texture is supported.
* @param {String} type The type of texture.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._verifyTextureType = function(type) {
const isValid = SUPPORTED_TEXTURE_TYPES.includes(type);
if (!isValid) throw new Error(`The texture type "${type}" is not supported`);
* Builds the texture options key for the provided texture type.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._textureOptionsKey = function(type) {
return `${type}TextureOptions`;
* Cleanups everything used only by the initials mesh.
* @private
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._destroyMesh = function() {
if (!this.mesh) return;
if (this.geometry) this.geometry.dispose();
if (this.mesh.geometry) this.mesh.geometry.dispose();
this.mesh = null;
* Cleanups raw textured.
* @private
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._destroyRawTextures = function() {
if (this.rawTexturesRefs.base) this.rawTexturesRefs.base.dispose();
if (this.rawTexturesRefs.displacement) this.rawTexturesRefs.displacement.dispose();
this.rawTexturesRefs = {
base: null,
displacement: null
* Cleanups cooked textures.
* @private
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._destroyCookedTextures = function() {
if (this.cookedTexturesRefs.base) this.cookedTexturesRefs.base.dispose();
if (this.cookedTexturesRefs.displacement) this.cookedTexturesRefs.displacement.dispose();
this.cookedTexturesRefs = {
base: null,
displacement: null
* Cleanups textures mapped to the material.
* @private
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._destroyMaterialTextures = function() {
if (this.materialTexturesRefs.map) this.materialTexturesRefs.map.dispose();
if (this.materialTexturesRefs.displacementMap) {
if (this.materialTexturesRefs.normalMap) this.materialTexturesRefs.normalMap.dispose();
this.materialTexturesRefs = {
map: null,
displacementMap: null,
normalMap: null
* Builds the initials mesh 3D object. If a mesh already exists, it will rebuild it.
* @private
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._buildInitialsMesh = function() {
// cleans current mesh
if (this.mesh) this._destroyMesh();
// generates the initials plane geometry
this.geometry = this._buildGeometry();
// creates the initials mesh
this.mesh = new THREE.Mesh(this.geometry, this.material);
* Builds the mesh geometry. If points were set, it will bend the geometry accordingly.
* @returns {THREE.BufferGeometry} Returns a BufferGeometry instance.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._buildGeometry = function() {
const geometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(
// no points to generate a curve so returns the flat geometry
if (this.points.length < 2) return geometry;
// morphs the plane geometry using the points as reference
this._morphPlaneGeometry(geometry, this.points);
return geometry;
* Morhps a plane geometry by following a curve as reference.
* @param {BufferGeometry} geometry The plane geometry to be morphed.
* @param {Array} points Array with THREE.Vector3 reference points for the morphing curve.
* @returns {THREE.BufferGeometry} The morphed geometry.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._morphPlaneGeometry = function(geometry, points) {
// creates a curve based on the reference points
const curve = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3(
// calculates the curve width
const curveWidth = Math.round(curve.getLength());
// get the curve discrete points
const curvePoints = curve.getSpacedPoints(curveWidth);
// calculate offsets needed to iterate the geometry vertexes
const segments = curveWidth >= this.width ? this.width : curveWidth;
const curvePointStep = segments / this.meshOptions.widthSegments;
const curvePointOffset =
curveWidth > this.width ? Math.floor(curveWidth / 2 - this.width / 2) : 0;
// iterates the geometry vertexes and updates their position to follow the curve
const geoPos = geometry.attributes.position;
for (let i = 0; i <= this.meshOptions.heightSegments; i++) {
for (
let j = 0, curvePointIdx = curvePointOffset;
j <= this.meshOptions.widthSegments;
j++, curvePointIdx += curvePointStep
) {
const vertexIdx = j + i + this.meshOptions.widthSegments * i;
const curvePoint = curvePoints[Math.round(curvePointIdx)];
geoPos.getY(vertexIdx) + curvePoint.y,
// recalculates normals and tangents
// marks geometry to do a internal update
geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;
return geometry;
* Transforms a string into a texture.
* @param {String} text Text to be transformed into a texture.
* @returns {THREE.Texture} Texture with the initials text.
* @private
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._textToTexture = function(text) {
const width = this.width;
const height = this.height;
const font = this.textOptions.font;
const fontSize = this.textOptions.fontSize;
const xOffset = this.textOptions.xOffset;
const yOffset = this.textOptions.yOffset;
const lineWidth = this.textOptions.lineWidth;
const ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
// cleans canvas
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
ctx.font = `${fontSize}px ${font}`;
ctx.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
// adds a little thickness so that when the displacement is applied,
// the color expands to the edges of the text
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#ffffff";
// writes text to the center of the canvas
const posX = width / 2;
const posY = height / 2;
ctx.fillText(text, posX + xOffset, posY + yOffset);
ctx.strokeText(text, posX + xOffset, posY + yOffset);
// creates texture from canvas
const texture = new THREE.CanvasTexture(this.canvas);
return texture;
* Transforms a string into a displacement texture.
* @param {String} text Text to be transformed into a texture.
* @returns {THREE.Texture} Texture with the initials text.
* @private
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._textToDisplacementTexture = function(text) {
const width = this.width;
const height = this.height;
const font = this.textOptions.font;
const fontSize = this.textOptions.fontSize;
const xOffset = this.textOptions.xOffset;
const yOffset = this.textOptions.yOffset;
const blur = this.textOptions.displacementMapTextBlur;
const ctx = this.canvasDisplacement.getContext("2d");
// cleans canvas with black color
ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
ctx.font = `${fontSize}px ${font}`;
ctx.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
// adds blur filter to attenuate the displacement
// more blur equals less displacement which means more rounded edges
ctx.filter = `blur(${blur}px)`;
// writes text to the center of the canvas
const posX = width / 2;
const posY = height / 2;
ctx.fillText(text, posX + xOffset, posY + yOffset);
// creates texture from canvas
const texture = new THREE.CanvasTexture(this.canvasDisplacement);
return texture;
* This method is used to go around the Three.js limitation of not respecting all
* THREE.Texture properties when mapping some textures such as displacement maps,
* normal maps, etc.
* @param {THREE.Texture} texture Texture that is going to be pre cook.
* @param {Object} options Options to apply to the texture.
* @returns {THREE.Texture} Texture with the result of the applied options.
* @private
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._preCookTexture = function(texture, options) {
texture = ripe.CsrUtils.applyOptions(texture, options);
// generates a texture with the updated options
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ transparent: true, map: texture });
const updatedTexture = this.textureRenderer.textureFromMaterial(material);
// cleans up the temporary material
return updatedTexture;
* Blurs a texture by doing a Gaussian blur pass.
* @param {THREE.Texture} texture Texture to blur.
* @param {Number} blurIntensity Intensity of blur filter that is going to be applied.
* @returns {THREE.Texture} The blurred texture.
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._blurTexture = function(texture, blurIntensity = 1) {
// creates a material to run a shader that blurs the texture
const material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.merge([
baseTexture: {
type: "t",
value: texture
h: {
type: "f",
value: 1 / (this.width * blurIntensity)
v: {
type: "f",
value: 1 / (this.height * blurIntensity)
vertexShader: ripe.CsrUtils.BlurShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: ripe.CsrUtils.BlurShader.fragmentShader
// generates a blurred texture
const blurredTexture = this.textureRenderer.textureFromMaterial(material);
// cleans up the temporary material
return blurredTexture;
* Mixes a pattern with a texture. It's used to apply a pattern to the initials text.
* @param {THREE.Texture} texture Texture with the initials text.
* @param {THREE.Texture} patternTexture Texture with the pattern to apply.
* @returns {THREE.Texture} Texture with the pattern applied to the initials text.
* @private
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._mixPatternWithTexture = function(texture, patternTexture) {
// returns the original texture if no pattern texture is provided
if (!patternTexture) return texture;
// creates a material to run a shader that applies a pattern to a texture
const material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.merge([
baseTexture: {
type: "t",
value: texture
patternTexture: {
type: "t",
value: patternTexture
vertexShader: ripe.CsrUtils.PatternMixerShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: ripe.CsrUtils.PatternMixerShader.fragmentShader
// generates a texture with the textures mixed
const mixedTexture = this.textureRenderer.textureFromMaterial(material);
// cleans up the temporary material
return mixedTexture;
* Mixes a pattern with a displacement texture. It's used to apply a pattern to the
* height map texture of the initials text.
* @param {THREE.Texture} texture Texture with the initials height map texture.
* @param {THREE.Texture} patternTexture Texture with the pattern to apply.
* @param {Number} patternIntensity The intensity of on which the pattern will be applied. It
* ranges from 0 to 1 being that the higher the number the more intensely the pattern will be
* applied to the height map texture.
* @returns {THREE.Texture} Texture with the pattern applied to the initials text.
* @private
ripe.CsrRenderedInitials.prototype._mixPatternWithDisplacementTexture = function(
patternIntensity = 1
) {
// returns the original texture if no pattern texture is provided
if (!patternTexture) return texture;
// creates a material to run a shader that applies a pattern to a height map texture
const material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.merge([
baseTexture: {
type: "t",
value: texture
patternTexture: {
type: "t",
value: patternTexture
patternIntensity: {
type: "f",
value: patternIntensity
vertexShader: ripe.CsrUtils.HeightmapPatternMixerShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: ripe.CsrUtils.HeightmapPatternMixerShader.fragmentShader
// generates a texture with the textures mixed
const mixedTexture = this.textureRenderer.textureFromMaterial(material);
// cleans up the temporary material
return mixedTexture;