const base = require("./base");
const ripe = base.ripe;
* @class
* @augments Plugin
* @classdesc Plugin responsible for applying synchronization rules.
* @param {Object} rules A Map with synchronization rules to be applied.
* If defined, overrides the rules defined on the model's config.
* @param {Object} options An object with options to configure the plugin.
ripe.Ripe.plugins.SyncPlugin = function(rules, options = {}) {;
this.rules = this._normalizeRules(rules);
this.manual = Boolean(options.manual || rules); = !this.manual;
ripe.Ripe.plugins.SyncPlugin.prototype =;
ripe.Ripe.plugins.SyncPlugin.prototype.constructor = ripe.Ripe.plugins.SyncPlugin;
* The Sync Plugin binds the 'post_config' and 'part' events,
* in order to:
* - retrieve the model's configuration.
* - change the necessary parts making them comply with the syncing rules.
* @param {Ripe} The Ripe instance in use.
ripe.Ripe.plugins.SyncPlugin.prototype.register = function(owner) {, owner);
// sets the initial set of rules from the owner, in case the
// auto mode is enabled for the current instance
this.rules = && owner.loadedConfig
? this._normalizeRules(owner.loadedConfig.sync)
: this.rules;
// listens for model changes and if the load config option is
// set then retrieves the new model's post config, otherwise
// unregisters itself as its rules are no longer valid
this._postConfigBind = this.manual
? null
: this.owner.bind("post_config", config => {
this.rules = config ? this._normalizeRules(config.sync) : {};
// binds to the part event to change the necessary parts
// so that they comply with the product's sync rules
this._partBind = this.owner.bind("part", this._applySync.bind(this));
* The unregister to be called (by the owner)
* the plugins unbinds events and executes
* any necessary cleanup operation.
* @param {Ripe} The Ripe instance in use.
ripe.Ripe.plugins.SyncPlugin.prototype.unregister = function(owner) {
this.owner && this.owner.unbind("part", this._partBind);
this.owner && this.owner.unbind("post_config", this._postConfigBind);, owner);
* Traverses the provided rules and transforms string rules
* into object rules to keep the internal representation
* of the rules consistent.
* @param {Array} rules The rules that will be normalized
* into object rules.
* @returns {Object} The normalized version of the rules.
* @ignore
ripe.Ripe.plugins.SyncPlugin.prototype._normalizeRules = function(rules) {
const _rules = {};
if (!rules) {
return _rules;
for (const ruleName in rules) {
const rule = rules[ruleName];
for (let index = 0; index < rule.length; index++) {
let part = rule[index];
if (typeof part === "string") {
part = {
part: part
rule[index] = part;
_rules[ruleName] = rule;
return _rules;
* Checks if any of the sync rules should apply to the
* provided part, meaning that the other parts of the rule
* have to be changed accordingly.
* @param {String} name The name of the part that may be
* affected by a rule.
* @param {Object} value The material and color of the part
* as a object map.
* @ignore
ripe.Ripe.plugins.SyncPlugin.prototype._applySync = function(name, value) {
// iterates over the complete set of rules to determine
// if any of them should apply to the provided part
for (const key in this.rules) {
// if a part was selected and it is part of
// the rule then its value is used otherwise
// the first part of the rule is used
const rule = this.rules[key];
const firstPart = rule[0];
name = name || firstPart.part;
value = value ||[name];
// checks if the part triggers the sync rule
// and skips to the next rule if it doesn't
if (this._shouldSync(rule, name, value) === false) {
// iterates through the parts of the rule and
// sets their material and color according to
// the sync rule in case there's a match
for (let index = 0; index < rule.length; index++) {
const _part = rule[index];
// in case the current rule definition references the current
// part in rule deinition, ignores the current loop
if (_part.part === name) {
// tries to find the target part configuration an in case
// no such part is found throws an error
const target =[_part.part];
if (!target) {
throw new Error(`Target part for rule not found '${_part.part}'`);
if (_part.color === undefined) {
target.material = _part.material ? _part.material : value.material;
target.color = _part.color ? _part.color : value.color;
* Checks if the sync rule contains the provided part
* meaning that the other parts of the rule have to
* be changed accordingly.
* @param {Object} rule The sync rule that will be checked.
* @param {String} name The name of the part that may be
* affected by the rule.
* @param {Object} value The material and color of the part.
* @returns {Boolean} If the provided rule is valid for the provided
* part and value (material and color).
* @ignore
ripe.Ripe.plugins.SyncPlugin.prototype._shouldSync = function(rule, name, value) {
for (let index = 0; index < rule.length; index++) {
const rulePart = rule[index];
const part = rulePart.part;
const material = rulePart.material;
const color = rulePart.color;
const materialSync = !material || material === value.material;
const colorSync = !color || color === value.color;
if (part === name && materialSync && colorSync) {
return true;
return false;