
const base = require("./base");
const ripe = base.ripe;

 * The version of the RIPE SDK currently in load, should
 * be in sync with the package information.
ripe.VERSION = "3.3.3";

 * Object that contains global (static) information to be used by
 * the RIPE infrastructure (eg global identifier counter).
ripe.ripeGlobals = {
    id: 0

 * @class
 * @augments Observable
 * @classdesc Represents a customizable model.
 * @param {String} brand The brand of the model.
 * @param {String} model The name of the model.
 * @param {Object} options An object with the options to configure the Ripe instance.
ripe.Ripe = function(brand, model, options = {}) {;, brand, model, options);

ripe.Ripe.prototype =;
ripe.Ripe.prototype.constructor = ripe.Ripe;

 * @ignore
ripe.RipeBase = function(brand, model, options = {}) {
    return new ripe.Ripe(brand, model, options);

 * Builds a new Ripe instance using the provided normalized configuration
 * structure as the basis for its configuration.
 * @param {Object} structure The normalized configuration structure that is
 * going to be used in the initialization of the new Ripe instance.
 * @param {Boolean} safe If the safe object mode creation should be used.
 * @param {Object} options The extra options to be used in the initialization
 * process of the Ripe instance.
ripe.Ripe.fromStructure = async function(structure, safe = true, options = {}) {
    const instance = new ripe.Ripe(options);
    await instance.setStructure(structure, safe);
    return instance;

 * The initializer of the class, to be called whenever the instance
 * is going to become active.
 * Sets the various values for the Ripe instance taking into account
 * the provided configuration and defaulting values policy.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.init = async function(brand = null, model = null, options = {}) {
    // generates a new global identifier and adds the current
    // instance to the list og globally managed ones; =;

    // runs the defaulting operation so that it's possible to
    // provide only the first parameters as the options
    if (typeof brand === "object" && brand !== null) {
        options = brand;
        brand = options.brand || null;
        model = options.model || null;

    // determines if the init operation should be avoided (eg: for static usage)
    // if so the control flow is returned immediately (init prevented)
    const init = options.init === undefined ? true : options.init;
    if (!init) return;

    // sets the various values in the instance taking into
    // account the default values
    this.initials = "";
    this.engraving = null;
    this.initialsExtra = {};
    this.initialsBuilder = this._initialsBuilder.bind(this);
    this.ctx = {};
    this.children = this.children || [];
    this.plugins = this.plugins || [];
    this.history = [];
    this.historyPointer = -1;
    this.loadedConfig = null;
    this.choices = null;
    this.ready = false;
    this.configured = false;
    this.bundles = false;
    this.partCounter = 0;
    this.updateCounter = 0;
    this.initialsCounter = 0;
    this.updatePromise = null;
    this.cancelPromise = null;
    this.error = null;

    // extends the default options with the ones provided by the
    // developer upon this initializer call
    options = ripe.assign(
            options: false

    // in case the guess URL mode is active then a remote call should be
    // performed in order to take decisions on the proper production URL
    if (this.guessUrl) await this._guessURL();

    // iterates over all the plugins present in the options (meant
    // to be registered) and adds them to the current instance
    for (const plugin of options.plugins || []) {

    // if diagnostic headers have not been disabled then
    // registers the diag plugin to automatically add
    // diagnostic headers to every remote request
    if (this.useDiag) {
        const diagPlugin = new ripe.Ripe.plugins.DiagPlugin();

    // registers for the config (finished) event so that the execution may
    // be able to notify the server side logic and change the current state
    // if that's required by the server side
    this.bind("config", async function() {
        let result = null;
        if (!this.remoteOnConfig) return;
        const ctxRequest = (this.ctxRequest = (this.ctxRequest || 0) + 1);
        try {
            result = await this.onConfigP({
                brand: this.brand,
                model: this.model
        } catch (err) {
            if (err instanceof ripe.RemoteError) return;
            else throw err;
        if (ctxRequest !== this.ctxRequest) return;

    // registers for the part (set) operation so that the execution may
    // be able to notify the server side logic and change the current state
    // if that's required by the server side
    this.bind("part", async function(name, value) {
        let result = null;
        if (!this.remoteOnPart) return;
        const ctxRequest = (this.ctxRequest = (this.ctxRequest || 0) + 1);
        try {
            result = await this.onPartP({
                name: name,
                value: value
        } catch (err) {
            if (err instanceof ripe.RemoteError) return;
            else throw err;
        if (ctxRequest !== this.ctxRequest) return;

    // registers for the initials (set) operation so that the execution may
    // be able to notify the server side logic and change the current state
    // if that's required by the server side
    this.bind("initials", async function(initials, engraving, params) {
        let result = null;
        if (!this.remoteOnInitials) return;
        if (params.noRemote) return;
        const ctxRequest = (this.ctxRequest = (this.ctxRequest || 0) + 1);
        try {
            result = await this.onInitialsP({
                group: "main",
                value: initials,
                engraving: engraving
        } catch (err) {
            if (err instanceof ripe.RemoteError) return;
            else throw err;
        if (ctxRequest !== this.ctxRequest) return;

    // registers for the initials_extra (set) operation so that the execution may
    // be able to notify the server side logic and change the current state
    // if that's required by the server side
    this.bind("initials_extra", async function(initialsExtra, params, { previous }) {
        let result = null;
        if (!this.remoteOnInitials) return;
        if (params.noRemote) return;
        const ctxRequest = (this.ctxRequest = (this.ctxRequest || 0) + 1);
        for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(initialsExtra)) {
            // in case the value of the initials extra group did not
            // change when compared with the previous version then
            // there's no need for `onInitials` execution
            const previousValue =
                previous && previous[key] ? previous[key] : { initials: "", engraving: null };
            if (
                value.initials === previousValue.initials &&
                value.engraving === previousValue.engraving
            ) {

            try {
                result = await this.onInitialsP({
                    group: key,
                    value: value.initials,
                    engraving: value.engraving
            } catch (err) {
                if (err instanceof ripe.RemoteError) return;
                else throw err;
            if (ctxRequest !== this.ctxRequest) return;

    // listens for the post parts event and saves the current configuration
    // for the undo operations (history control)
    this.bind("post_parts", function(parts, options) {
        // in case the current operation was an undo and redo one there's
        // nothing to be done (no history stack change)
        if (options && ["undo", "redo"].indexOf(options.action) !== -1) {

        // pushes the current state of the configuration (parts) into
        // the history stack allowing undo and redo

    try {
        // runs the configuration operation on the current instance, using
        // the requested parameters and options, multiple configuration
        // operations may be executed over the object life-time
        await this.config(brand, model, options);
    } catch (error) {
        // calls the error handler for the current handler to update the
        // internal items of the Ripe Instance

        // returns the control flow immediately as the exception has been
        // properly handled for the current context

    // runs the initialization of the locale bundles, provided by the
    // remote handle, this is required for proper initialization
    if (this.useBundles) this._initBundles().catch(err => this._errorHandler(err));

 * The deinitializer to be called when it should stop responding
 * to updates so that any necessary cleanup operations can be executed.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.deinit = async function() {
    let index = null;

    for (index = this.children.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
        const child = this.children[index];
        await this.unbindInteractable(child);

    for (index = this.plugins.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
        const plugin = this.plugins[index];

 * Explicit entry point to the initial update.
 * This method should be called before any significant RIPE operation
 * can be performed on the instance.
 * @returns {Object} The current Ripe Instance (for pipelining).
ripe.Ripe.prototype.load = function() {
    this.update(undefined, { reason: "load" });
    return this;

 * Explicit entry point for the unloading of the Ripe Instance.
 * Should be called for a clean exit of the instance.
 * @returns {Object} The current Ripe Instance (for pipelining).
ripe.Ripe.prototype.unload = function() {
    return this;

 * Same as `load` but providing a promise oriented solution
 * ready to be "awaited".
 * @returns {Object} The current Ripe Instance (for pipelining).
ripe.Ripe.prototype.loadP = async function() {
    await this.update(undefined, { reason: "load" });
    return this;

 * Same as `unload` but providing a promise oriented solution
 * ready to be "awaited".
 * @returns {Object} The current Ripe Instance (for pipelining).
ripe.Ripe.prototype.unloadP = async function() {
    return this;

 * Sets the model to be customised by providing both the brand
 * and the model for the update.
 * @param {String} brand The brand of the model.
 * @param {String} model The name of the model.
 * @param {Object} options An object with the options to configure the Ripe instance, such as:
 *  - 'parts' - The initial parts of the model.
 *  - 'initials' - The initial value for the initials of the model.
 *  - 'engraving' - The initial engraving value of the model.
 *  - 'initialsExtra' - The initial value for the initials extra.
 *  - 'country' - The country where the model will be sold.
 *  - 'currency' - The currency that should be used to calculate the price.
 *  - 'locale' - The locale to be used by default when localizing values.
 *  - 'flag' - A specific attribute of the model.
 *  - 'remoteCalls' - If the remote calls (eg: 'on_config') should be called in the middle of configuration.
 *  - 'useBundles' - If the bundles should be loaded during initial loading.
 *  - 'useDefaults' - If the default parts of the model should be used when no initials parts are set.
 *  - 'useCombinations' - If the combinations should be loaded as part of the initial RIPE loading.
 *  - 'usePrice' - If the price should be automatically retrieved whenever there is a customization change.
 *  - 'useDiag' - If the diagnostics module should be used.
 *  - 'safe' - If the call should 'await' for all the composing operations before returning or if instead
 * should allow operations to be performed in a parallel and detached manner.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.config = async function(brand, model, options = {}) {
    // unsets the configured flag so that all the sensitive
    // configuration related operation are disabled while
    // the config operation is being performed, this is
    // required because there's a lot of parallelism in the
    // execution workflow of the config and by setting this
    // flag some data race conditions are avoided
    this.configured = false;

    // cancels any pending operation on the child elements
    // so that no more operations are performed, any new
    // operation could ony be considered a wat of resources
    await this.cancel();

    // sets the most structural values of this entity
    // that represent the configuration to be used
    this.brand = brand;
    this.model = model;

    // resets the history related values as the current
    // model has changed and no previous history is possible
    this.history = [];
    this.historyPointer = -1;

    // sets the new options using the current options
    // as default values and sets the update flag to
    // true if it is not set
    options = ripe.assign(
            variant: null,
            version: null,
            dku: null,
            parts: {}

    // in case there's a DKU defined for the current config then
    // an extra resolution step must occur, to be able to obtain
    // the configuration of the current customization
    if (this.dku) {
        const config = await this.configDkuP(this.dku);
        this.brand = config.brand;
        this.model = config.model; = === undefined ? :;
        this.initials = config.initials === undefined ? this.initials : config.initials;
        this.engraving = config.engraving === undefined ? this.engraving : config.engraving;
        this.initialsExtra =
            config.initials_extra === undefined && config.initialsExtra === undefined
                ? this.initialsExtra
                : config.initialsExtra || config.initials_extra;

    // determines if a valid model is currently defined for the ripe
    // instance, as this is going to change some logic behaviour
    const hasModel = Boolean(this.brand && this.model);

    // in case no model is currently loaded it's time to return the
    // control flow as all of the structures are currently loaded
    if (hasModel === false) {
        this.loadedConfig = null;
        if (this.ready === false) {
            this.ready = true;

    // triggers the 'pre_config' event so that the listeners
    // can cleanup if needed, from the previous configuration
    await this.trigger("pre_config", brand, model, options);

    try {
        // retrieves the configuration for the currently loaded model so
        // that others may use it freely (cache mechanism)
        this.loadedConfig = await this.getConfigP();
    } catch (err) {
        // builds the base message taking into consideration if the
        // version has been explicity defined
        let message = `Not possible to get configuration for '${brand}' and '${model}'`;
        if (this.options.version) message += ` version ${this.options.version}`;

        // raises a new error indicating the real cause for the new
        // error being thrown under the current execution logic
        throw new ripe.OperationalError(message, err);

    // creates a "new" choices from the provided configuration for the
    // model that has just been "loaded" and sets it as the new set of
    // choices for the configuration context

    // determines if the defaults for the selected model should
    // be loaded so that the parts structure is initially populated
    const hasParts = && Object.keys( !== 0;
    const loadDefaults = !hasParts && this.useDefaults && hasModel;

    // determines the proper initial parts for the model taking into account
    // if the defaults should be loaded
    const parts = loadDefaults ? this.loadedConfig.defaults :;

    // creates an array that is going to store the multiple promises that
    // are required for the proper loading of the configuration, both promises
    // can run in parallel as their loading is independent from each other
    const parallelPromises = [];

    // loads initials builder implementation by evaluating the build's logic,
    // which can contain methods that might override the default behavior
    if (this.useInitialsBuilderLogic) parallelPromises.push(this._loadInitialsBuilder());

    // updates the parts of the current instance so that the internals of it
    // reflect the newly loaded configuration, notice that we're not going to
    // wait until the update is finished (opportunistic)
        this.setParts(parts, true, {
            partEvents: false,
            runUpdate: false
    await Promise.all(parallelPromises);

    // in case both the initials and the engraving value are set in the options
    // runs the updating of the internal state to update the initials
    if (options.initials && options.engraving) {
        const setInitialsPromise = this.setInitials(options.initials, options.engraving, false);
        if ( await setInitialsPromise;

    // in case the initials extra are defined then runs the setting of the initials
    // extra on the current instance (without update events)
    if (options.initialsExtra) {
        const setInitialsExtraPromise = this.setInitialsExtra(options.initialsExtra, false);
        if ( await setInitialsExtraPromise;

    // triggers the config event notifying any listener that the (base)
    // configuration for this main Ripe Instance has changed and waits
    // for the listeners to conclude their operations
    await this.trigger("config", this.loadedConfig, options);

    // determines if the ready flag is already set for the current instance
    // and if that's not the case updates it and triggers the ready event
    if (this.ready === false) {
        this.ready = true;

    // notifies that the config has changed and waits for listeners before
    // concluding the config operation
    await this.trigger("post_config", this.loadedConfig, options);

    // sets the configured flag as valid, meaning that any configuration
    // related operation is considered safe from now on
    this.configured = true;

    // triggers the remote operations, that should be executed
    // only after the complete set of post confirm promises are met
    const remotePromise = this.remote();
    if ( await remotePromise;

    // runs the initial update operation, so that all the visuals and children
    // objects are properly updated according to the new configuration
    const updatePromise = this.update(undefined, {
        noAwaitLayout: true,
        reason: "config"
    if ( await updatePromise;

 * @ignore
ripe.Ripe.prototype.remote = async function() {
    // makes sure that both the brand and the model values are defined
    // for the current instance as they are needed for the remove operation
    // that are going to be performed
    if (!this.brand || !this.model) {

    // tries to determine if the combinations available should be
    // loaded for the current model and if that's the case start the
    // loading process for them, setting then the result in the instance
    const loadCombinations = this.useCombinations;
    if (loadCombinations) {
        this.combinations = await this.getCombinationsP();
        this.trigger("combinations", this.combinations);

 * Retrieves the normalized structure that uniquely represents
 * the current configuration "situation".
 * @param {Boolean} safe If the structure should be retrieved
 * using a safe approach (deep copy).
 * @returns The normalized map structure that represents the
 * current configuration "situation".
ripe.Ripe.prototype.getStructure = async function(safe = true) {
    const structure = {};
    if (this.brand) structure.brand = this.brand;
    if (this.model) structure.model = this.model;
    if (this.variant) structure.variant = this.variant;
    if (this.version) structure.version = this.version;
    if ( && Object.keys( > 0) { =;
    if (this.initials) structure.initials = this.initials;
    if (this.engraving) structure.engraving = this.engraving;
    if (this.initialsExtra && Object.keys(this.initialsExtra).length > 0) {
        structure.initials_extra = this.initialsExtra;
    return safe ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(structure)) : structure;

 * Updates the current internal state of the Ripe instance with the
 * contents defined by the provided structure (snapshot).
 * @param {Object} structure The object structure that represents the configuration
 * "situation" that is going to be set in the Ripe instance.
 * @param {Boolean} safe If the operation should be performed using a
 * safe strategy (deep copy in objects).
ripe.Ripe.prototype.setStructure = async function(structure, safe = true) {
    const options = {};
    const brand = structure.brand || null;
    const model = structure.model || null;
    options.variant = structure.variant || null;
    options.version = structure.version || null; =
        ( &&
            (safe ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify( : ||
    options.initials = structure.initials || "";
    options.engraving = structure.engraving || null;
    options.initialsExtra =
        (structure.initials_extra &&
            Object.keys(structure.initials_extra).length > 0 &&
                ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(structure.initials_extra))
                : structure.initials_Extra)) ||
    await this.config(brand, model, options);

 * Sets Ripe instance options according to the defaulting policy.
 * @param {Object} options An object with the options to configure the Ripe instance, such as:
 *  - 'variant' - The variant of the model.
 *  - 'version' - The version of the model, obtained from the containing build.
 *  - 'dku' - The DKU (Dynamic Keeping Unit) to be used in the configuration (if any).
 *  - 'parts' - The initial parts of the model.
 *  - 'country' - The country where the model will be sold.
 *  - 'currency' - The currency that should be used to calculate the price.
 *  - 'locale' - The locale to be used by default when localizing values.
 *  - 'flag' - A specific attribute of the model.
 *  - 'format' - The format of the image that is going to be retrieved in case of image visual and interactive.
 *  - 'size' - The default size in pixels to be used by children for composition.
 *  - 'backgroundColor' - The background color in RGB format to be used for images.
 *  - 'guess' - If the optimistic guess mode should be used for config resolution (internal).
 *  - 'guessUrl' - If base production URL should be guessed using GeoIP information.
 *  - 'remoteCalls' - If the remote calls (eg: 'on_config') should be called in the middle of configuration.
 *  - 'useBundles' - If the bundles should be loaded during initial loading.
 *  - 'useDefaults' - If the default parts of the model should be used when no initials parts are set.
 *  - 'useCombinations' - If the combinations should be loaded as part of the initial RIPE loading.
 *  - 'usePrice' - If the price should be automatically retrieved whenever there is a customization change.
 *  - 'useDiag' - If the diagnostics module should be used.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.setOptions = function(options = {}) {
    this.options = options;
    this.variant = this.options.variant || null;
    this.version = this.options.version || null;
    this.dku = this.options.dku || null;
    this.url = this.options.url || "";
    this.webUrl = this.options.webUrl || "";
    this.composeUrl = this.options.composeUrl || `${this.url}compose`;
    this.params = this.options.params || {};
    this.headers = this.options.headers || {}; = || {}; = || null;
    this.currency = this.options.currency || null;
    this.locale = this.options.locale || null;
    this.flag = this.options.flag || null;
    this.format = this.options.format || null;
    this.formatBase = this.options.format || null;
    this.size = this.options.size || null;
    this.backgroundColor = this.options.backgroundColor || "";
    this.guess = this.options.guess === undefined ? undefined : this.options.guess;
    this.guessUrl = this.options.guessUrl === undefined ? undefined : this.options.guessUrl;
    this.remoteCalls = this.options.remoteCalls === undefined ? true : this.options.remoteCalls;
    this.remoteOnConfig =
        this.options.remoteOnConfig === undefined ? this.remoteCalls : this.options.remoteOnConfig;
    this.remoteOnPart =
        this.options.remoteOnPart === undefined ? this.remoteCalls : this.options.remoteOnPart;
    this.remoteOnInitials =
        this.options.remoteOnInitials === undefined
            ? this.remoteCalls
            : this.options.remoteOnInitials;
    this.noBundles = this.options.noBundles === undefined ? false : this.options.noBundles;
    this.useBundles =
        this.options.useBundles === undefined ? !this.noBundles : this.options.useBundles;
    this.noDefaults = this.options.noDefaults === undefined ? false : this.options.noDefaults;
    this.useDefaults =
        this.options.useDefaults === undefined ? !this.noDefaults : this.options.useDefaults;
    this.noCombinations =
        this.options.noCombinations === undefined ? false : this.options.noCombinations;
    this.useCombinations =
        this.options.useCombinations === undefined
            ? !this.noCombinations
            : this.options.useCombinations;
    this.noPrice = this.options.noPrice === undefined ? false : this.options.noPrice;
    this.usePrice = this.options.usePrice === undefined ? !this.noPrice : this.options.usePrice;
    this.noDiag = this.options.noDiag === undefined ? false : this.options.noDiag;
    this.useDiag = this.options.useDiag === undefined ? !this.noDiag : this.options.useDiag;
    this.noAwaitLayout =
        this.options.noAwaitLayout === undefined ? false : this.options.noAwaitLayout;
    this.useInitialsBuilderLogic =
        this.options.useInitialsBuilderLogic === undefined
            ? true
            : this.options.useInitialsBuilderLogic;
    this.composeLogic = this.options.composeLogic === undefined ? false : this.options.composeLogic;
    this.authCallback = this.options.authCallback === undefined ? null : this.options.authCallback;

    // in case the requested format is the "dynamic" lossless one
    // tries to find the best lossless image format taking into account
    // the current browser environment
    if (this.format === "lossless") {
        this.format = this._supportsWebp() ? "webp" : "png";

    // in case the lossful meta-format is defined defines the best possible
    // lossful format taking into account the environment
    if (this.format === "lossful") {
        this.format = "jpeg";

    // runs the background color normalization process that removes
    // the typical cardinal character from the definition
    this.backgroundColor = this.backgroundColor.replace("#", "");

 * Changes the material and color of the provided part.
 * This operations is an expensive one and should be used carefully
 * to avoid unwanted resource usage.
 * If many operations are meant to be used at the same time the `setParts`
 * parts method should be used instead, as it is better suited for bulk
 * based operations.
 * @param {String} part The name of the part to be changed.
 * @param {String} material The material to change to.
 * @param {String} color The color to change to.
 * @param {Boolean} events If the parts events should be triggered (defaults to 'true').
 * @param {Object} options The options to be used in the set part operations (for internal use).
ripe.Ripe.prototype.setPart = async function(part, material, color, events = true, options = {}) {
    const runUpdate = options.runUpdate === undefined ? true : options.runUpdate;
    const waitUpdate = options.waitUpdate === undefined ? true : options.waitUpdate;

    if (!events) {
        await this._setPart(part, material, color);

    await this.trigger("pre_parts",, options);
    await this._setPart(part, material, color);
    await this.trigger("parts",, options);
    await this.trigger("post_parts",, options);

    // in case the update is not meant to be ran then returns the
    // control flow immediately (nothing remaining to be done)
    if (!runUpdate) return;

    // propagates the state change in the internal structures to the
    // children elements of this Ripe Instance
    const promise = this.update(undefined, { reason: "set part" });

    // in case the wait update options is valid (by default) then waits
    // until the update promise is fulfilled
    if (waitUpdate) await promise;

 * Allows changing the customization of a set of parts in bulk.
 * @param {Object} parts An Object or array with part, material, color triplets to be set.
 * @param {Boolean} events If the parts events should be triggered (defaults to 'true').
 * @param {Object} options An object with options to configure the operation (for internal use).
ripe.Ripe.prototype.setParts = async function(update, events = true, options = {}) {
    const partEvents = options.partEvents === undefined ? true : options.partEvents;
    const runUpdate = options.runUpdate === undefined ? true : options.runUpdate;
    const waitUpdate = options.waitUpdate === undefined ? true : options.waitUpdate;

    if (typeof update === "object" && !Array.isArray(update)) {
        update = this._partsList(update);

    if (!events) {
        await this._setParts(update, partEvents);

    await this.trigger("pre_parts",, options);
    await this._setParts(update, partEvents);
    await this.trigger("parts",, options);
    await this.trigger("post_parts",, options);

    // in case the update is not meant to be ran then returns the
    // control flow immediately (nothing remaining to be done)
    if (!runUpdate) return;

    // propagates the state change in the internal structures to the
    // children elements of this Ripe Instance
    const promise = this.update(undefined, { reason: "set parts" });

    // in case the wait update options is valid (by default) then waits
    // until the update promise is fulfilled
    if (waitUpdate) await promise;

 * Changes the initials of the model, this is considered a simple
 * legacy oriented strategy as the `setInitialsExtra` method should
 * be used for more complex scenarios with multiple groups.
 * @param {String} initials The initials value to be set.
 * @param {String} engraving The type of engraving to be set.
 * @param {Boolean} events If the events associated with the initials
 * change should be triggered.
 * @param {Boolean} override If the options value should be override meaning
 * that further config updates will have this new initials set.
 * @param {Object} params Extra parameters that control the behaviour of
 * the set initials operation.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.setInitials = async function(
    events = true,
    override = false,
    params = {}
) {
    if (typeof initials === "object") {
        events = engraving === undefined ? true : engraving;
        const result = await this.setInitialsExtra(initials, events);
        return result;

    // generates a new initials counter that controls if the initials
    // state has changes (set initials), this way it's possible to
    // prevent out of order execution of update states
    this.initialsCounter += 1;
    const id = this.initialsCounter;

    // triggers the event indicating the the start of the
    // the (set) initials operation (notifies listeners)
    await this.trigger("pre_initials", { id: id });

    // sets the base instance fields for both the initials and the
    // engraving and updates the initials extra on the main group,
    // providing a compatibility layer between the initials and the
    // initials extra mode of working
    this.initials = initials || "";
    this.engraving = engraving || null;
    this.initialsExtra = {
        main: {
            initials: initials || "",
            engraving: engraving || null

    if (!this.initials && this.engraving) {
        throw new Error("Engraving set without initials");

    // in case the override flag is set then the options fields
    // are also update with the new initials values
    if (override) {
        this.options.initials = this.initials;
        this.options.engraving = this.engraving;
        this.options.initialsExtra = this.initialsExtra;

    // in case the events should not be triggered then returns
    // the control flow immediately, nothing remaining to be done
    if (!events) return this;

    // creates a "snapshot" of the current initials state so that the
    // update may be performed over the currently defined set of initials
    const state = this._getState();

    // triggers the initials event notifying any listening
    // object about the changes
    await this.trigger("initials", initials, engraving, params, { id: id });

    // runs the update operation so that all the listening
    // components can properly update their visuals, notice
    // that this execution is only performed in case this is
    // still the most up-to-date initials operation, avoiding
    // possible out-of-order execution of update operations
    if (id === this.initialsCounter) {
        this.update(state, { reason: "set initials" });

    // triggers the event indicating the the end of the
    // the (set) initials operation (notifies listeners)
    await this.trigger("post_initials", { id: id });

    // returns the current instance (good for pipelining)
    return this;

 * Changes the initials of the model using an object as the input which
 * allows setting the initials for multiple groups at the same time.
 * @param {Object} initialsExtra Object that contains the values of the
 * initials and engraving for all the initial groups.
 * @param {Boolean} events If the events associated with the changing of
 * the initials (extra) should be triggered.
 * @param {Boolean} override If the options value should be override meaning
 * that further config updates will have this new initials extra set.
 * @param {Object} params Extra parameters that control the behaviour of
 * the set initials operation.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.setInitialsExtra = async function(
    events = true,
    override = false,
    params = {}
) {
    const groups = Object.keys(initialsExtra);
    const isEmpty = groups.length === 0;
    const mainGroup = groups.includes("main") ? "main" : groups[0];
    const mainInitials = initialsExtra[mainGroup];

    // generates a new initials counter that controls if the initials
    // state has changes (set initials), this way it's possible to
    // prevent out of order execution of update states
    this.initialsCounter += 1;
    const id = this.initialsCounter;

    // triggers the event indicating the the start of the
    // the (set) initials extra operation (notifies listeners)
    await this.trigger("pre_initials_extra", { id: id });

    // "saves" the value of the previous initials extra structure
    // so that it can be passed latter as part of the event context
    const previous = Object.assign({}, this.initialsExtra);

    if (isEmpty) {
        this.initials = "";
        this.engraving = null;
        this.initialsExtra = {};
    } else {
        this.initials = mainInitials.initials || "";
        this.engraving = mainInitials.engraving || null;
        this.initialsExtra = initialsExtra;

    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this.initialsExtra)) {
        if (value.initials && !value.engraving) {
            value.engraving = null;

        if (!value.initials && value.engraving) {
            throw new Error(`Engraving set without initials for group ${key}`);

    // in case the override flag is set then the options fields
    // are also update with the new initials values
    if (override) {
        this.options.initials = this.initials;
        this.options.engraving = this.engraving;
        this.options.initialsExtra = this.initialsExtra;

    if (!events) return this;

    // creates a "snapshot" of the current initials state so that the
    // update may be performed over the currently defined set of initials
    const state = this._getState();

    // triggers the initials extra event notifying any
    // listening object about the changes
    await this.trigger("initials_extra", initialsExtra, params, { id: id, previous: previous });

    // runs the update operation so that all the listening
    // components can properly update their visuals, notice
    // that this execution is only performed in case this is
    // still the most up-to-date initials operation, avoiding
    // possible out-of-order execution of update operations
    if (id === this.initialsCounter) {
        this.update(state, { reason: "set initials extra" });

    // triggers the event indicating the the end of the
    // the (set) initials extra operation (notifies listeners)
    await this.trigger("post_initials_extra", { id: id });

    // returns the current instance (good for pipelining)
    return this;

 * Retrieves the value of the current base context defined in
 * the instance.
 * @returns {Object} The base context currently set.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.getCtx = function(ctx) {
    return this.ctx;

 * Changes the current base context object (ctx) that is
 * going to be sent for (3D) build logic on crucial workflow
 * state changes.
 * @param {Object} ctx The new base context to be used.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.setCtx = function(ctx) {
    this.ctx = ctx;

 * Returns the model's configuration loaded from the Platforme's system.
 * The config version loaded by this method is the one "cached" in the
 * instance, if there's any.
 * @returns {Object} The model's configuration.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.getLoadedConfig = function() {
    return this.loadedConfig;

 * Returns the current state (eg: availability) for the parts materials
 * and colors associated with the current customization session.
 * @returns {Object} The object that contains the state for every single
 * part, material, and color.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.getChoices = function() {
    return this.choices;

 * Updates the current internal state for parts material and colors, properly
 * notifying any "listener" about these changes.
 * @param {Object} choices The object that contains the state for every single
 * part, material, and color.
 * @param {Boolean} events If the choices events should be triggered (defaults
 * to 'true').
ripe.Ripe.prototype.setChoices = function(choices, events = true) {
    // updates the internal object with the choices that are now
    // going to be set
    this.choices = choices;

    // in case no event triggering is required no the control flow
    // must return immediately
    if (!events) return;

    // triggers the choices event that should change the available
    // set of choices in the visual/UI assets
    this.trigger("choices", this.choices);

 * Returns the model's available frames, in an object structure
 * that maps a certain face with the number of available frames
 * for such face.
 * This function makes use of the loaded config in case there's
 * one, otherwise triggers the loading of the config.
 * @returns {Object} The model's available frames.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.getFrames = async function(callback) {
    if (this.options.frames) {
        if (callback) callback(this.options.frames);
        return this.options.frames;

    const config = this.loadedConfig ? this.loadedConfig : await this.getConfigP();

    const frames = {};

    for (let index = 0; index < config.faces.length; index++) {
        const face = config.faces[index];
        frames[face] = 1;

    // ensures that the "legacy" side face has the a value
    // populated with the "legacy" frames field in case there's
    // none populated by the standard processing loop (above)
    // this only happens in case the side face is defined
    if (config.faces.indexOf("side") !== -1) {
        frames.side = config.frames;

    // iterates over the complete set of faces to populate the frames
    // structure with the most up-to-date strategy using the faces map
    // that contains all the information about each face
    for (const [face, faceM] of Object.entries(config.faces_m)) {
        frames[face] = faceM.frames;

    // calls the callback with the resolved frame (unsafe) and returns
    // the frames map to the caller method
    if (callback) callback(frames);
    return frames;

 * Updates the format setting for the current ripe instance, propagating
 * the change to any interested child.
 * Optionally an update operation may be performed so that the format
 * changes are reflected in the user interface.
 * @param {String} format The image format to be used in the ripe instance
 * (eg: png, webp, jpeg).
 * @param {Boolean} override If the options value should be override meaning
 * that further config updates will have this new format set.
 * @param {Boolean} update If an update operation should be perform asynchronous.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.setFormat = async function(format, override = true, update = true) {
    if (format === this.options.format) return;
    this.format = format;
    this.getChildren("Configurator").forEach(c => {
        c.format = format;
    if (override) this.options.format = format;
    if (update) this.update(undefined, { reason: "set format" });
    return this;

 * Updates the size setting for the current ripe instance, propagating
 * the change to any interested child.
 * Optionally an update operation may be performed so that the size
 * changes are reflected in the user interface.
 * @param {String} size The size (in pixels) of the image to be used.
 * @param {Boolean} override If the options value should be override meaning
 * that further config updates will have this new format set.
 * @param {Boolean} update If an update operation should be perform asynchronous.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.setSize = async function(size, override = true, update = true) {
    if (size === this.options.size) return;
    this.size = size;
    this.getChildren("Configurator").forEach(c => {
        c.size = size;
    if (override) this.options.size = size;
    if (update) this.update(undefined, { reason: "set size" });
    return this;

 * Updates the background color setting for the current ripe instance,
 * propagating the change to any interested child.
 * Optionally an update operation may be performed so that the background
 * background color changes are reflected in the user interface.
 * @param {String} backgroundColor The background color in hexadecimal to be set.
 * @param {Boolean} override If the options value should be override meaning
 * that further config updates will have this new format set.
 * @param {Boolean} update If an update operation should be perform asynchronous.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.setBackgroundColor = async function(
    override = true,
    update = true
) {
    if (backgroundColor) backgroundColor = backgroundColor.replace("#", "");
    if (backgroundColor === this.options.backgroundColor) return;
    this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
    this.getChildren("Configurator").forEach(c => {
        c.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
    if (override) this.options.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
    if (update) this.update(undefined, { reason: "set background color" });
    return this;

 * Retrieves the complete set of child elements of this Ripe instance
 * that fulfill the provided type criteria.
 * @param {String} type The type of child as a string to filter children.
 * @return {Array} The child elements that fill the provided type.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.getChildren = function(type = null) {
    if (type === null) return this.children;
    return this.children.filter(child => type === null || child.type.startsWith(type));

 * Binds an Image to this Ripe instance.
 * @param {Image} element The Image to be used by the Ripe instance.
 * @param {Object} options An Object with options to configure the Image instance.
 * @returns {Image} The Image instance created.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.bindImage = function(element, options = {}) {
    options = Object.assign({}, { format: this.format }, options);
    const image = new ripe.Image(this, element, options);
    return this.bindInteractable(image);

 * Binds a video thumbnail Image to this Ripe instance.
 * @param {Image} element The Image to be used by the Ripe instance.
 * @param {Object} options An Object with options to configure the Image instance.
 * @returns {Image} The Image instance created.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.bindVideoThumbnail = function(element, options = {}) {
    options = Object.assign(
            imageUrlProvider: this._getVideoThumbnailURL.bind(this),
            frameValidator: this.hasVideo.bind(this),
            doubleBuffering: false
    const image = new ripe.Image(this, element, options);
    return this.bindInteractable(image);

 * Binds an Configurator to this Ripe instance.
 * @param {Configurator} element The Configurator to be used by the Ripe instance.
 * @param {Object} options An Object with options to configure the Configurator instance.
 * @returns {Configurator} The Configurator instance created.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.bindConfigurator = function(element, options = {}) {
    options = Object.assign({}, { format: this.format }, options);
    switch (options.type) {
        case "csr":
            return this.bindConfiguratorCsr(element, options);
        case "prc":
            return this.bindConfiguratorPrc(element, options);

 * Binds an Interactable to this Ripe instance.
 * @param {Interactable} element The Interactable to be used by the Ripe instance.
 * @param {Object} options An Object with options to configure the Interactable instance.
 * @returns {Interactable} The Interactable instance created.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.bindInteractable = function(element) {
    this.trigger("bound", element);
    return element;

 * Unbinds ab Interactable from this Ripe instance.
 * @param {Interactable} element The Interactable instance to be unbound.
 * @returns {Interactable} Returns the unbounded Interactable.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.unbindInteractable = async function(element) {
    await element.deinit();
    this.children.splice(this.children.indexOf(element), 1);
    this.trigger("unbound", element);

 * Unbinds ab Image from this Ripe instance.
 * @param {Image} element The Image instance to be unbound.
 * @returns {Image} Returns the unbounded Image.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.unbindImage = ripe.Ripe.prototype.unbindInteractable;

 * Unbinds ab Configurator from this Ripe instance.
 * @param {Configurator} element The Image instance to be unbound.
 * @returns {Configurator} Returns the unbounded Configurator.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.unbindConfigurator = ripe.Ripe.prototype.unbindInteractable;

 * Selects a part of the model.
 * Triggers a 'selected_part' event with the part.
 * @param {String} part The name of the part to be selected.
 * @param {Object} options An Object with options to configure the operation.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.selectPart = function(part, options = {}) {
    this.trigger("selected_part", part);

 * Deselects a part of the model.
 * Triggers a 'deselected_part' event with the part.
 * @param {String} part The name of the part to be deselected.
 * @param {Object} options An Object with options to configure the operation.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.deselectPart = function(part, options = {}) {
    this.trigger("deselected_part", part);

 * Triggers the update of the children so that they represent the
 * current state of the model.
 * This is considered the many state change operation and should be
 * called whenever a relevant internal state value is changed so that
 * the visuals are updated in accordance.
 * @param {Object} state An Object with the current customization and
 * personalization, if not provided the current internal state of the
 * instance will be used instead.
 * @param {Object} options Set of update options that change the way
 * the update operation is going to be performed.
 * @param {Array} children The set of children that are going to be affected
 * by the updated operation, if not provided all of the currently registered
 * children in the instance will be used.
 * @return The result of the update operation, meaning that if any child
 * operation has been performed the result is true otherwise in case this is
 * a no-op from the "visual" point of view the result is false.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.update = async function(state = null, options = {}, children = null) {
    // in case the force flag is not set and the ready or the configured
    // values are not set (instance not ready for updates)
    if (!options.force && (this.ready === false || this.configured === false)) {
        return false;

    // tries to retrieve the state of the configuration for which an update
    // operation is going to be requested
    state = state || this._getState();

    // defaults the children variable to the current set of registered
    // children, as expected by specification
    children = children || this.children;

    // increments the update counter, meaning that a new update operation
    // is going to be performed (and requires a proper unique identifier)
    this.updateCounter += 1;
    const id = this.updateCounter;

    const _update = async () => {
        await this.trigger("pre_update", {
            id: id,
            state: state,
            options: options

        const promises = [];

        for (let index = 0; index < children.length; index++) {
            const child = children[index];
            promises.push(child.update(state, options));

        if (this.ready) {
            await this.trigger("update", {
                id: id,
                state: state,
                options: options

        // in case the use price flag is set then we should "automagically"
        // retrieve the price for the currently changed configuration
        if (this.ready && this.configured && this.usePrice) {
            const timestamp =;
            this._priceTimestamp = timestamp;
                .then(value => {
                    if (this._priceTimestamp > timestamp) return;
                    this.trigger("price", value);
                .catch(err => this.trigger("price_error", err));

        // waits for all the promises "responsible" for the visual updating
        // the children of the instance and then verifies if any of them was
        // effectively updated (not cached), that is considered to be the
        // result of the update operation as whole (indicates if this was an
        // effective update operation or if otherwise was a cache match)
        const results = await Promise.all(promises);
        const result = results.some(v => v !== false);
        const canceled = results.some(v => Boolean(v && v.canceled));

        await this.trigger("post_update", {
            id: id,
            state: state,
            options: options,
            result: result,
            canceled: canceled

        return result;

    // runs the cancel operation, so that any pending update is canceled
    // without any possible visual changes and consuming the least resources
    // possible by any of the child elements
    await this.cancel(options, children);

    // runs the waiting for all the pending promises for update operations
    // so that we can safely run the new update promise after all the other
    // previously registered ones are "flushed", after te update the promise
    // reference is forced to null to indicate that no more promises exist
    if (this.updatePromise && (!options.noAwaitLayout || !this.noAwaitLayout)) {
        await this.updatePromise;
    this.updatePromise = null;

    // in case the current update operation is no longer the latest one then
    // there's no need to continue with the operation
    if (id !== this.updateCounter) return;

    try {
        this.updatePromise = _update();
        if (options.noAwaitLayout || this.noAwaitLayout) return true;
        const result = await this.updatePromise;
        return result;
    } finally {
        if (!options.noAwaitLayout) {
            this.updatePromise = null;

ripe.Ripe.prototype.cancel = async function(options = {}, children = null) {
    // defaults the children variable to the current set of registered
    // children, as expected by specification
    children = children || this.children;

    const _cancel = async () => {
        await this.trigger("pre_cancel", { id: this.updateCounter });

        const promises = [];

        for (let index = 0; index < children.length; index++) {
            const child = children[index];

        let results = [];
        this.cancelPromise = Promise.all(promises);
        try {
            results = await this.cancelPromise;
        } finally {
            this.cancelPromise = null;

        const result = results.some(v => v !== false);
        const canceled = results.some(v => Boolean(v && v.canceled));

        // in case there's an update promise pending waits for it
        // so that we're sure and safe that we can run a new one
        if (this.updatePromise) await this.updatePromise;

        await this.trigger("post_cancel", {
            id: this.updateCounter,
            result: result,
            canceled: canceled

        return result;

    try {
        this.cancelPromise = _cancel();
        const result = await this.cancelPromise;
        return result;
    } finally {
        this.cancelPromise = null;

 * Reverses the last change to the parts. It is possible
 * to undo all the changes done from the initial state.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.undo = async function() {
    if (!this.canUndo()) {

    this.historyPointer -= 1;
    const parts = this.history[this.historyPointer];
    if (parts) await this.setParts(parts, true, { action: "undo", partEvents: false });

 * Executes the same operation as `undo` but goes all the way
 * to the bottom of the stack that controls the history.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.undoAll = async function() {
    if (!this.canUndo()) {

    this.historyPointer = 0;
    const parts = this.history[this.historyPointer];
    if (parts) await this.setParts(parts, true, { action: "undo", partEvents: false });

 * Reapplies the last change to the parts that was undone.
 * Notice that if there's a change when the history pointer
 * is in the middle of the stack the complete stack forward
 * is removed (history re-written).
ripe.Ripe.prototype.redo = async function() {
    if (!this.canRedo()) {

    this.historyPointer += 1;
    const parts = this.history[this.historyPointer];
    if (parts) await this.setParts(parts, true, { action: "redo", partEvents: false });

 * Executes the same operation as `redo` but goes all the way
 * to the top of the stack that controls the history.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.redoAll = async function() {
    if (!this.canRedo()) {

    this.historyPointer = this.history.length - 1;
    const parts = this.history[this.historyPointer];
    if (parts) await this.setParts(parts, true, { action: "redo", partEvents: false });

 * Indicates if there are part changes to undo.
 * @returns {Boolean} If there are changes to reverse in the
 * current parts history stack.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.canUndo = function() {
    return this.historyPointer > 0;

 * Indicates if there are part changes to redo.
 * @returns {Boolean} If there are changes to reapply pending
 * in the history stack.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.canRedo = function() {
    return this.history.length - 1 > this.historyPointer;

 * Returns a promise that is fulfilled once the Ripe Instance
 * is ready to be used.
 * This can be used to actively wait for the initialization of
 * the Ripe Instance under an async environment.
 * @returns {Promise} The promise to be fulfilled once the instance
 * is ready to be used.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.isReady = async function() {
    await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        if (this.ready) {
        } else if (this.error) {
        } else {
            this.bind("ready", resolve);
            this.bind("error", reject);

 * Returns a promise that is resolved once the remote locale bundles
 * are retrieved from their remote locations.
 * This is relevant for situations where proper location is required
 * for a certain scenario (eg: sizes).
 * @returns {Promise} The promise to be fulfilled on the base locale
 * bundles are loaded.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.hasBundles = async function() {
    await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        if (this.bundles) resolve();
        else this.bind("bundles", resolve);

 * Registers a plugin to this Ripe instance.
 * @param {Plugin} plugin The plugin to be registered.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.addPlugin = function(plugin) {

 * Unregisters a plugin to this Ripe instance.
 * @param {Plugin} plugin The plugin to be unregistered.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.removePlugin = function(plugin) {
    this.plugins.splice(this.plugins.indexOf(plugin), 1);

 * Normalizes the parts dictionary by taking into account optional parts
 * that should be set even for empty situations.
 * @param {Object} parts The parts object that should be cloned and then
 * ensured to have the optional parts set.
 * @returns {Object} A copy of the provided parts with the optional parts
 * set even if not defined.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.normalizeParts = function(parts) {
    if (!parts) return parts;

    const defaults = this.loadedConfig.defaults;
    const _parts = ripe.clone(parts);

    for (const part in defaults) {
        if (!defaults[part].optional) continue;
        if (_parts[part] !== undefined) continue;
        _parts[part] = {
            material: undefined,
            color: undefined

    return _parts;

 * Retrieves the dimension of the image associated with the provided name
 * and for the requested face.
 * The returned dimension structure should contain information about: size,
 * format and other meta-information.
 * @param {String} name The name of the dimension we want to get information about.
 * @param {String} face The face we want to get the dimension of.
 * @returns {Object} An object containing the dimension information for the
 * requested name and face.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.getDimension = function(name = "$base", face = null) {
    if (!this.loadedConfig) return null;

    const dimensions = this.loadedConfig.dimensions;
    if (!dimensions || Object.keys(dimensions).length === 0) {
        return null;

    const dimensionSpec = dimensions[name];
    if (!dimensionSpec || Object.keys(dimensionSpec).length === 0) {
        return null;

    if (!face) return dimensionSpec;
    if (!dimensionSpec.faces) return dimensionSpec;

    return dimensionSpec.faces[face] ? dimensionSpec.faces[face] : dimensionSpec;

 * Obtains a tuple (array) containing the best possible size for the
 * provided dimension and face.
 * Uses the dimension retrieval process to obtain that size, defaulting
 * to the base configuration `size` attribute in case no specific
 * dimension value is available.
 * @param {String} dimension The name of the dimension we want to get
 * information about.
 * @param {String} face The face we want to get the dimension of.
 * @returns {Array} An array containing both the width and the height
 * of the image for the given dimension and face.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.getSize = function(dimension = "$base", face = null) {
    if (!this.loadedConfig) return null;
    const dimensionSpec = this.getDimension(dimension, face);
    if (!dimensionSpec) return this.loadedConfig.size;
    if (!dimensionSpec.size) return this.loadedConfig.size;
    return dimensionSpec.size;

 * @ignore
ripe.Ripe.prototype._guessURL = async function() {
    const result = await this.geoResolveP();
    const country = ? : null;
    switch (country) {
        case "CN":
            this.url = "";
            this.webUrl = "";
            this.options.url = this.url;
            this.options.webUrl = this.webUrl;
            this.url = "";
            this.webUrl = "";
            this.options.url = this.url;
            this.options.webUrl = this.webUrl;

 * @ignore
ripe.Ripe.prototype._initBundles = async function(locale = this.locale, defaultLocale = "en_us") {
    // initializes the sequence of locales that are going to be loaded
    // taking into consideration if a default locale is explicitly defined
    // and then converts the array into a set to avoid duplicates
    const locales = defaultLocale ? [defaultLocale, locale] : [locale];
    const localesSet = Array.from(new Set(locales));

    // builds tuples of locales and respective bundle promises
    const localeBundleTuples = [];
    for (const locale of localesSet) {
            [locale, this.localeBundleP(locale, "scales")],
            [locale, this.localeBundleP(locale, "sizes")]

    // deconstructs the tuple to respective locales and bundle promises
    // then fetch all bundles in parallel
    const [bundlesLocales, bundlesPromises] = localeBundleTuples.reduce(
        (array, [locale, bundlePromise]) => [
            [...array[0], locale],
            [...array[1], bundlePromise]
        [[], []]
    const bundles = await Promise.all(bundlesPromises);

    // adds the fetched bundles to the bundle registry
    bundles.forEach((bundle, index) => {
        const locale = bundlesLocales[index];
        this.addBundle(bundle, locale);

    this.bundles = true;
    this.trigger("bundles", localesSet, bundles);

    return {
        locales: localesSet,
        bundles: bundles

 * @ignore
ripe.Ripe.prototype._getState = function(safe = true) {
    return safe
        ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._getState(false)))
        : {
              brand: this.brand,
              model: this.model,
              initials: this.initials,
              engraving: this.engraving,
              initialsExtra: this.initialsExtra,
              variant: this.variant

 * @ignore
ripe.Ripe.prototype._setPart = async function(
    events = true,
    force = false
) {
    // ensures that there's one valid configuration loaded
    // in the current instance, required for part setting
    if (!this.loadedConfig) {
        throw Error("Model config is not loaded");

    // if the material or color are not set then this
    // is considered a removal operation and the part
    // is removed from the parts structure if it's
    // optional or an error is thrown if it's required
    const partInfo = this.loadedConfig.defaults[part];
    const isRequired = partInfo.optional !== true;
    const remove = Boolean(material && color) === false;
    if (isRequired && remove) {
        throw Error(`Part '${part}' can't be removed`);

    // retrieves the current value structure for the part
    // that is going to be changed and determines if its value
    // is already the same as the new one to be set, this is
    // going to influence the triggering of events
    const current =[part] || {};
    const isSame = remove
        ? current.material === undefined && current.color === undefined
        : current.material === material && current.color === color;

    // in case the current value for the part is already the same
    // as the requested new one and the force flag is not set returns
    // immediately with the false flag indicating that no operation
    // has been performed
    if (!force && isSame) {
        return false;

    // increments the part "change" counter, so that it's possible
    // o track unique part change operations

    // updates the value object with the newly requested values, notice
    // than in case this is a removal a null value is set for both the
    // material and color keys
    const value = {
        material: remove ? null : material,
        color: remove ? null : color

    // "builds" the inline closure function that handles the
    // changing of the parts structure according to the new
    // requested state (material and color)
    const updatePart = () => {
        if (remove) {
        } else {
  [part] = value;

    // in case no events should be raised for the part change
    // operation then just updates the parts structure and then
    // returns the control flow immediately
    if (!events) {
        return true;

    // triggers the update part operation properly encapsulated
    // around the associated events (allowing proper interception)
    await this.trigger("pre_part", part, value);
    await this.trigger("part", part, value);
    await this.trigger("post_part", part, value);

    // returns a valid value indicating that a concrete operation
    // of part changing has been performed
    return true;

 * @ignore
ripe.Ripe.prototype._setParts = async function(update, events = true) {
    for (let index = 0; index < update.length; index++) {
        const part = update[index];
        await this._setPart(part[0], part[1], part[2], events);

 * @ignore
ripe.Ripe.prototype._partsList = function(parts) {
    parts = parts ||;
    const partsList = [];
    for (const part in parts) {
        const value = parts[part];
        partsList.push([part, value.material, value.color]);
    return partsList;

 * @ignore
ripe.Ripe.prototype._pushHistory = function() {
    if (! || !Object.keys( {

    if (ripe.equal(, this.history[this.historyPointer])) {

    const _parts = this.normalizeParts(;
    this.history = this.history.slice(0, this.historyPointer + 1);
    this.historyPointer = this.history.length - 1;

 * The default fallback error handler to be used for
 * every single detached async context.
 * @param {Error} error The error that is going to be
 * handled.
ripe.Ripe.prototype._errorHandler = function(error) {
    // sets the error in the current instance and then triggers the
    // error event on the current instance (notification)
    this.ready = this.ready || false;
    this.error = error;
    this.trigger("error", error);
    console.error(error.message || error);

 * Handles the changes in the provided resulting context (ctx)
 * changing the internal state and triggering relevant events.
 * @param {Object} result The resulting ctx object that is going to
 * be used in the changing of the internal state.
ripe.Ripe.prototype._handleCtx = function(result) {
    // handles some of the pre-conditions for the handling of the
    // "received context", so that all the required fields for
    // handling are properly populated before the execution logic
    if (result === undefined || result === null) return;
    if ( === undefined || === null) return;

    // runs the defaulting of the message meaning that a sequence (array)
    // is always defined for proper logic handling
    result.messages = result.messages === undefined ? [] : result.messages;

    // run the reset operation on the parts object as it's going
    // to be re-created using the provided context parts definition
    Object.keys( => delete[key]); = Object.assign(,;

    if (result.initials && !ripe.equal(result.initials, this.initialsExtra)) {
        this.setInitialsExtra(result.initials, true, false, { noRemote: true });

    if (result.choices && !ripe.equal(result.choices, this.choices)) {

    for (const [name, value] of result.messages) {
        this.trigger("message", name, value);

 * Builds the choices structure that is going to control
 * the state for parts materials and colors under the current
 * customization session.
 * @param {Object} loadedConfig The configuration structure that
 * has just been loaded.
 * @returns {Object} The state object that can be used to control
 * the state of parts, materials and colors.
ripe.Ripe.prototype._toChoices = function(loadedConfig) {
    const choices = {};
    for (const part of {
        if (loadedConfig.defaults[].hidden) continue;
        if (loadedConfig.hidden && loadedConfig.hidden.includes( continue;
        const materialsState = {};
        choices[] = {
            available: true,
            materials: materialsState
        for (const material of part.materials) {
            const colorsState = {};
            materialsState[] = {
                available: true,
                colors: colorsState
            for (const color of material.colors) {
                colorsState[color] = {
                    available: true
    return choices;

ripe.Ripe.prototype._supportsWebp = function() {
    const element = document.createElement("canvas");
    if (!(element.getContext && element.getContext("2d"))) return false;
    return element.toDataURL("image/webp").indexOf("data:image/webp") === 0;

 * Loads the initials builder logic from the remote data source.
 * This is done by loading a remote Javascript file that should contain
 * the `initialsBuilder` method should be present in the base object
 * of such Javascript file.
ripe.Ripe.prototype._loadInitialsBuilder = async function() {
    // get initials builder of the build and model, if there is one
    // defined, later used in the image's initials builder logic
    const logicScriptText = await this.getLogicP({
        brand: this.brand,
        model: this.model,
        version: this.version,
        format: "js"
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
    const logicScript = eval(logicScriptText);
    this.initialsBuilder = logicScript
        ? logicScript.initialsBuilder.bind(this)
        : this._initialsBuilder.bind(this);

 * Generates all profiles based on the provided engraving string and the
 * contexts provided.
 * This is a base implementation which should be overridden if any specific
 * behaviour is meant to be provided for a specific context (model).
 * @param {String} initials The initials string of the personalization.
 * @param {String} engraving The normalized engraving string that is going
 * to be used in the profile generation (should comply with the naming
 * standard).
 * @param {String} group The initials group that is going to be used to
 * build the profiles.
 * @param {String} viewport The viewport that is going to be used to
 * build the profiles.
 * @param {Array} context The context list that is used to permutate all
 * the profiles to apply specific views to the initials image.
 * @returns {Object} An object containing the initials of the personalization and
 * the sequence of generated profiles properly ordered from the most
 * concrete (more specific) to the least concrete (more general).
ripe.Ripe.prototype._initialsBuilder = async function(
    group = null,
    viewport = null,
    context = null,
    ctx = {}
) {
    let profiles = this._generateProfiles(group, viewport);
    profiles = this._buildProfiles(engraving, profiles, context);
    return {
        initials: initials,
        profile: profiles

 * Generates a set of extra profiles according to the provided group
 * and viewport.
 * @param {String} group The name of the "initials" group, to which the
 * profiles are going to be generated.
 * @param {String} viewport The name of the viewport, to which the
 * profiles are going to be generated.
 * @returns {Array} The profiles definition list that was generated from the
 * provided group and viewport "input".
ripe.Ripe.prototype._generateProfiles = function(group, viewport) {
    const values = [];
    if (group && viewport) {
            type: "group_viewport",
            name: group + ":" + viewport
    if (group) {
            type: "group",
            name: group
    if (viewport) {
            type: "viewport",
            name: viewport
    return values;

 * Builds the complete set of profiles to be used in the initials composition
 * for the provided normalized engraving string and taking into account the
 * provided context.
 * @param {String} engraving The normalized engraving string that is going to
 * be used in the profile generation (should comply with the naming standard).
 * @param {Array} profiles The extra sequence containing multiple values to be
 * added to the parsed engraving ones and be used in the initials generation
 * of the combination for the profiles generation.
 * @param {Array} context The context list that be added to the profile complete
 * name on the profile generation and, in the last stage of the generation, to
 * the beginning of the final profiles list.
 * @param {String} sep String that is going to be used as the separator between
 * the base profile string and the context.
 * @returns {Array} The sequence of generated profiles properly ordered from the
 * most concrete (more specific) to the least concrete (more general).
ripe.Ripe.prototype._buildProfiles = function(engraving, profiles, context = null, sep = ":") {
    // parses the provided engraving string so that it's possible to iterate
    // over the multiple structured values of it, then adds these same values
    // to the base values passed as argument to the method
    const engravingProfiles = engraving ? this.parseEngraving(engraving).values : [];
    profiles = [...engravingProfiles, ...profiles];

    // converts a possible null context into an empty array, supporting
    // no context and only using the given profiles
    context = context || [];

    // retrieves the ordered set of property types, which will be used to
    // order the profiles
    const propertyTypes = this.getProperties().propertyTypes;

    // sorts the property values by the order declared on the model config,
    // this is critical for proper value usage (in a sequence)
    profiles = profiles.sort((a, b) => {
        const typeAIndex = propertyTypes.includes(a.type)
            ? propertyTypes.indexOf(a.type)
            : propertyTypes.length;

        const typeBIndex = propertyTypes.includes(b.type)
            ? propertyTypes.indexOf(b.type)
            : propertyTypes.length;

        return typeAIndex - typeBIndex;

    // creates the list to hold the multiple combinations of values
    // and then iterates over the range of values size to create the
    // multiple combinations for the current values
    let combinations = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) {
        combinations = [...combinations, ...ripe.combinations(profiles, i + 1)];

    // iterates over the profiles and append the context
    // to them, resulting in all the profile combinations
    // for the provided context
    profiles = {};
    for (const combination of combinations) {
        let profile = [];
        let profileWithName = [];

        // iterates over the context values and construct all
        // the permutations with the existing combinations, both
        // normal and with their type and names reversed
        for (const contextValue of context) {
            profile = [contextValue];
            profileWithName = [contextValue];

            for (const value of combination) {
                // ignore null values for profiles, allowing compatibility
                // with previous implementations
                if (!value) continue;

                // support for string format, offering backward compatibility
                // with existing initials builders
                if (typeof value === "string") profile.push(value);
                else {
                    // add property name and the string composed of its name and type
                    // to the profile
                    profile.push(value.type ? `${value.type}::${}` :;

            // add the profile string combination to the profile list, as well as
            // the context value
            const profileString = profile.join(sep);
            const profileStringWithName = profileWithName.join(sep);
            if (!profiles[profileString]) profiles[profileString] = true;
            if (!profiles[profileStringWithName]) profiles[profileStringWithName] = true;

        profile = [];
        profileWithName = [];

        // iterate over the combination values and creates all
        // the permutations with both the name::type format and
        // the its reverse
        for (const value of combination) {
            // ignore null values for profiles, allowing compatibility
            // with previous implementations
            if (!value) continue;

            // support for string format, offering backward compatibility
            // with existing initials builders
            if (typeof value === "string") profile.push(value);
            else {
                // add property name and the string composed of its name and type
                // to the profile
                profile.push(value.type ? `${value.type}::${}` :;

        const profileString = profile.join(sep);
        const profileStringWithName = profileWithName.join(sep);
        if (!profiles[profileString]) profiles[profileString] = true;
        if (!profiles[profileStringWithName]) profiles[profileStringWithName] = true;

    return [...Object.keys(profiles), ...context];

// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars,no-var
var Ripe = ripe.Ripe;
if (typeof window !== "undefined") window.Ripe = ripe.Ripe;