const base = require("./base");
const locales = require("../locales");
const ripe = base.ripe;
* Adds a new bundle object to the currently set of registered
* bundles for the the given locale.
* This registration operation is global and will affect any user
* of the RIPE SDK package on the current VM.
* @param {Object} bundle The locale strings bundle that is going to be
* globally registered.
* @param {String} locale The ISO 639-1 based locale identifier in the
* underscore based form to be used in registration.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.addBundle = function(bundle, locale = null) {
locale = locale === null ? this.locale : locale;
const _bundle = LOCALES_BASE[locale] || {};
LOCALES_BASE[locale] = _bundle;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(bundle)) {
_bundle[key] = value;
* Removes the given set of locale strings from the globally defined
* locale registry.
* @param {Object} bundle The locale strings bundle that is going to be
* globally removed.
* @param {String} locale The ISO 639-1 based locale identifier in the
* underscore based form to be used in removal.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.removeBundle = function(bundle, locale = null) {
locale = locale === null ? this.locale : locale;
if (LOCALES_BASE[locale] === undefined) return;
const _bundle = LOCALES_BASE[locale];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(bundle)) {
_bundle[key] = value;
* Retrieves the complete set of locale bundles currently registered
* in the global Ripe instance.
* @returns {Object} An object that maps a certain locale string to
* an object mapping locale keys to translations.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.getBundles = function() {
* Retrieves the locale bundle according to the provided locale.
* @param {String} locale The ISO 639-1 compliant string value that
* describes the locale to obtain the global bundle.
* @returns {Object} An object that for the provided locale maps a
* certain locale string to the translation.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.getBundle = function(locale) {
return LOCALES_BASE[locale] || {};
* Runs a local based localization, meaning that the data source
* for the locale strings should be already loaded in memory.
* This means that the process should be immediate and not async.
* @param {String} value The base value string that is going to be
* used for the localization process.
* @param {String} fallback The fallback string (default) to be used
* in case no localization is possible.
* @returns {String} The final localized string or the fallback in
* case localization is not possible.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.localeLocal = function(
fallback = null,
locale = null,
fallbackLocale = "en_us"
) {
fallback = fallback === null ? value : fallback;
locale = locale === null ? this.locale : locale;
if (locale && LOCALES_BASE[locale] !== undefined && LOCALES_BASE[locale][value] !== undefined) {
return LOCALES_BASE[locale][value];
if (
fallbackLocale &&
LOCALES_BASE[fallbackLocale] !== undefined &&
LOCALES_BASE[fallbackLocale][value] !== undefined
) {
return LOCALES_BASE[fallbackLocale][value];
return fallback;
* Parses the provided normalized engraving string according to the
* standard `<name>:<type>` format, using the loaded configurations.
* The provided string may not be normalized but for that situation
* typical guessing heuristics are going to be applied.
* @param {String} engraving The engraving string to be parsed.
* @param {Array} properties If provided overrides the default loaded
* config initials strategy for the retrieval of properties definition.
* @returns {Object} Returns an object with values and valuesM.
* valuesM is a map with (key = type, value = name) entries for each
* property defined in the engraving, where "type" is the type of
* the property (e.g. style) and "name" is the value for that property
* (e.g. gold) as defined in the engraving parameter. values is a
* list of (type, name) that respects the order of the properties.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.parseEngraving = function(engraving, properties = null) {
const { propertyNamesM, propertyTypes } = this.getProperties(properties);
let values = [];
const valuesM = {};
const parts = engraving.length ? engraving.split(".") : [];
for (let index = 0; index < parts.length; index++) {
const part = parts[index];
const slice = part.split(":", 2);
const name = slice[0];
let type = propertyTypes.length > index ? propertyTypes[index] : null;
type = propertyNamesM[name] || type;
type = slice.length === 2 ? slice[1] : type;
values.push({ name: name, type: type });
valuesM[type] = name;
values = values.sort((a, b) => {
const typeAIndex = propertyTypes.includes(a.type)
? propertyTypes.indexOf(a.type)
: propertyTypes.length;
const typeBIndex = propertyTypes.includes(b.type)
? propertyTypes.indexOf(b.type)
: propertyTypes.length;
return typeAIndex - typeBIndex;
return {
values: values,
valuesM: valuesM
* Gets the loaded config initials properties and returns an object
* with all the properties types grouped by name and a sorted array of
* all property types.
* @param {Array} properties If provided overrides the default loaded
* config initials strategy for the retrieval of properties definition.
* @returns {Object} Returns an object with propertyNamesM and
* propertyTypes. propertyNamesM is a map with (key = name, value = type)
* entries for each property, where "type" is the type of the property
* (e.g. style) and "name" is the value for that property (e.g. gold).
* propertyTypes is an ordered list of types.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.getProperties = function(properties = null) {
// gathers the complete set of properties for the initials
// definitions, to be used in the unpack
properties = properties ||;
let propertyTypes = [];
const propertyNamesM = {};
for (const property of properties) {
const type = property.type;
const name =;
propertyNamesM[name] = type;
propertyTypes = Array.from(new Set(propertyTypes)).sort(
(a, b) => propertyTypes.indexOf(a) - propertyTypes.indexOf(b)
return {
propertyNamesM: propertyNamesM,
propertyTypes: propertyTypes
* Normalizes the provided engraving (material) value according to the
* expected standard, producing a sequence of dictionaries containing
* the resulting property values.
* @param {String} engraving The engraving to be normalized.
* @param {Array} properties If provided overrides the default loaded
* config initials strategy for the retrieval of properties definition.
* @returns {string} The normalized engraving value.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.normalizeEngraving = function(engraving, properties = null) {
const { values } = this.parseEngraving(engraving, properties);
return => `${}:${v.type}`).join(".");
* Determines if the model currently loaded (in case there's one)
* has the provided frame available in spec.
* Notice that this call does not assure that a render is possible
* it only determines that according to model's spec it should be
* possible to render such a frame.
* @param {String} frame The name of the frame to determine "renderability"
* according to the {face}-{index} format.
* @returns {Boolean} If it's possible to render such frame for the
* currently loaded model.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.hasFrame = function(frame) {
if (!this.loadedConfig) return true;
if (!frame) return true;
const frameP = frame.split("-", 2);
let [face, index] = frameP.length > 1 ? frameP : [frameP, "0"];
index = parseInt(index);
if (!this.loadedConfig.faces_m) return false;
if (!this.loadedConfig.faces_m[face]) return false;
if (this.loadedConfig.faces_m[face].frames - 1 < index) return false;
return true;
* Determines if the model currently loaded (in case there's one) has the
* provided video name available in spec.
* Notice that this call does not assure that a video showing is possible
* it only determines if according to the model's spec it should be
* possible to get such a video.
* @param {String} frame The name of the video to determine if it is
* possible to show that video.
* @returns {Boolean} If it's possible to show the video for the
* currently loaded model.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.hasVideo = function(name) {
if (!this.loadedConfig) return true;
if (!name) return true;
if (!this.loadedConfig.videos_m) return false;
if (!this.loadedConfig.videos_m[name]) return false;
return true;
* Localizes the given string value taking into account the current
* brand and model context so that proper prefixes are taking into
* account for proper build locale usage.
* @param {String} value The base string value to be used in the localization.
* @param {Object} owner The localization owner, which should implement the
* proper localization provider functions. If not provided the default implementation
* which used the local base values is used instead.
* @param {Object} options Set of options to control the localization, such as:
* - 'brand' - The brand of the model.
* - 'model' - The name of the model.
* - 'locale' - The ISO-15897 standard locale definition to be used in the
* localization process.
* - 'defaultValue' - The default string value (if any) to be returned in case it's
* not possible to localize the provided value.
* - 'fallback' - If the fallback process should be used, meaning that if the
* requested locale is not available for the requested model (not part of the
* list of available locales) the base locale is going to be used instead
* (fallback process).
* @returns {String} The final localized string, that takes into account the
* current model context.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.localeModel = function(
owner = null,
{ brand = null, model = null, locale = null, defaultValue = null, fallback = true } = {}
) {
owner = owner || {
getLocale: () => this.locale,
getSupportedLocales: () => Object.keys(LOCALES_BASE),
hasLocale: (value, locale) => LOCALES_BASE[locale] && Boolean(LOCALES_BASE[locale][value]),
toLocale: (value, defaultValue, locale, fallback) =>
this.localeLocal(value, defaultValue, locale, fallback)
brand = brand === null ? this.brand : brand;
model = model === null ? this.model : model;
locale = locale === null ? this.locale : locale;
return ripe.toLocale(value, brand, model, owner, {
locale: locale,
defaultValue: defaultValue,
fallback: fallback
* Localizes the given part string value.
* @param {String} color The base string value to be used in the localization.
* @param {Object} owner The localization owner, which should implement the
* proper localization provider functions. If not provided the default implementation
* which used the local base values is used instead.
* @param {Object} options Set of options to control the localization, such as:
* - 'brand' - The brand of the model.
* - 'model' - The name of the model.
* - 'locale' - The ISO-15897 standard locale definition to be used in the
* localization process.
* - 'defaultValue' - The default string value (if any) to be returned in case it's
* not possible to localize the provided value.
* - 'prefixes' - The list of prefixes that are taking into account for proper build
* locale usage.
* - 'suffixes' - The list of suffixes that are taking into account for proper build
* locale usage.
* @returns {String} The final localized string, that takes into account the
* current model context.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.localePart = function(
owner = null,
brand = null,
model = null,
locale = null,
defaultValue = null,
prefixes = [],
suffixes = []
} = {}
) {
let value = [];
value = value.concat(prefixes);
part && value.push(`parts.${part}`);
value = value.concat(suffixes);
return this.localeModel(value, owner, {
brand: brand,
model: model,
locale: locale,
defaultValue: defaultValue
* Localizes the given material string value.
* @param {String} color The base string value to be used in the localization.
* @param {Object} owner The localization owner, which should implement the
* proper localization provider functions. If not provided the default implementation
* which used the local base values is used instead.
* @param {Object} options Set of options to control the localization, such as:
* - 'brand' - The brand of the model.
* - 'model' - The name of the model.
* - 'part' - The name of the part of the model.
* - 'locale' - The ISO-15897 standard locale definition to be used in the
* localization process.
* - 'defaultValue' - The default string value (if any) to be returned in case it's
* not possible to localize the provided value.
* - 'prefixes' - The list of prefixes that are taking into account for proper build
* locale usage.
* - 'suffixes' - The list of suffixes that are taking into account for proper build
* locale usage.
* @returns {String} The final localized string, that takes into account the
* current model context.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.localeMaterial = function(
owner = null,
brand = null,
model = null,
part = null,
locale = null,
defaultValue = null,
prefixes = [],
suffixes = []
} = {}
) {
let value = [];
value = value.concat(prefixes);
part && material && value.push(`materials.${part}.${material}`);
material && value.push(`materials.${material}`);
value = value.concat(suffixes);
return this.localeModel(value, owner, {
brand: brand,
model: model,
locale: locale,
defaultValue: defaultValue
* Localizes the given color string value.
* @param {String} color The base string value to be used in the localization.
* @param {Object} owner The localization owner, which should implement the
* proper localization provider functions. If not provided the default implementation
* which used the local base values is used instead.
* @param {Object} options Set of options to control the localization, such as:
* - 'brand' - The brand of the model.
* - 'model' - The name of the model.
* - 'part' - The name of the part of the model.
* - 'material' - The name of the material of the model.
* - 'locale' - The ISO-15897 standard locale definition to be used in the
* localization process.
* - 'defaultValue' - The default string value (if any) to be returned in case it's
* not possible to localize the provided value.
* - 'prefixes' - The list of prefixes that are taking into account for proper build
* locale usage.
* - 'suffixes' - The list of suffixes that are taking into account for proper build
* locale usage.
* @returns {String} The final localized string, that takes into account the
* current model context.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.localeColor = function(
owner = null,
brand = null,
model = null,
part = null,
material = null,
locale = null,
defaultValue = null,
prefixes = [],
suffixes = []
} = {}
) {
let value = [];
value = value.concat(prefixes);
part && material && color && value.push(`colors.${part}.${material}.${color}`);
part && color && value.push(`colors.${part}.${color}`);
material && color && value.push(`colors.${material}.${color}`);
color && value.push(`colors.${color}`);
value = value.concat(suffixes);
return this.localeModel(value, owner, {
brand: brand,
model: model,
locale: locale,
defaultValue: defaultValue
* Localizes the given property string value.
* @param {String} color The base string value to be used in the localization.
* @param {Object} owner The localization owner, which should implement the
* proper localization provider functions. If not provided the default implementation
* which used the local base values is used instead.
* @param {Object} options Set of options to control the localization, such as:
* - 'brand' - The brand of the model.
* - 'model' - The name of the model.
* - 'type' - The type of the property.
* - 'locale' - The ISO-15897 standard locale definition to be used in the
* localization process.
* - 'defaultValue' - The default string value (if any) to be returned in case it's
* not possible to localize the provided value.
* - 'prefixes' - The list of prefixes that are taking into account for proper build
* locale usage.
* - 'suffixes' - The list of suffixes that are taking into account for proper build
* locale usage.
* @returns {String} The final localized string, that takes into account the
* current model context.
ripe.Ripe.prototype.localeProperty = function(
owner = null,
brand = null,
model = null,
type = null,
locale = null,
defaultValue = null,
prefixes = [],
suffixes = []
} = {}
) {
let value = [];
value = value.concat(prefixes);
name && value.push(`properties.${name}`);
type && name && value.push(`properties.${type}.${name}`);
value = value.concat(suffixes);
return this.localeModel(value, owner, {
brand: brand,
model: model,
locale: locale,
defaultValue: defaultValue